Mechanism Of An Air Circulation Oven

The hot air oven or forced air oven is also simply an oven with a fan. These days, most domestic & laboratory oven have fans to help dispense the heat around an oven. You will get hot or cold spots without a fan, meaning uneven heating, testing or drying. Here in this blog, we will give you the complete details about this.

Understanding of the Mechanism of Air Circulation Oven

In the forced air oven: 

  • This is entirely done by blowing hot air past the example, meaning there are no cool spots in corners or around the entire product as these heats up.
  • The fan generally circulates the air throughout an oven compartment. This causes the circulation of hot air to the even temperature throughout the interior of an oven, ensuring the excellent taste results where this sample is located in an oven. 
  • Fresh air is drawn from the rear or the bottom of an oven & is also blown into a compartment part of heating items and onto a sample or the product being tested. Sometimes you can see a port on the top of that oven. 
  • This can also be left open if there is a lot of moisture in this product. It will help to speed up a drying technique. 

In the non-forced air oven:

  • The temperature can vary a few degrees Celsius in the excellent quality forced air oven. It will be under 0.5 degrees Celsius. 
  • Whenever the temperature is censorious to the process or its part of the quality check, you have discovered the ovens in the past with more than fifteen degrees Celsius errors. 
  • For the non-critical work, the single position arrangement would also be sufficient.


If you are willing to buy a high-quality oven, you should always contact the best Laboratory Oven Manufacturers which are Patel Heaters. The company comes under the list of the top suppliers and manufacturers for air circulation ovens in the country. 
The company manufactures and supplies a huge range of electric control panels and industrial heaters such as Cartridge Heater, Immersion Heater which are a result of advanced technology and quality. 

Patel Heaters

Patel Heaters

Patel Heaters and Control has immense expertise in the manufacturing of Industrial heaters and heating elements. We have been providing heating solutions to our clients since 1982.